Article By: Lisa Joy
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Meeting South Okanagan teenagers on their turf—the streets—it becomes clear that if there were an exam for illicit drug terminology, costs and effects, they would get an A+.
The teens know what’s available, for how much and the type of high it gives. The drug of choice is ‘BC Bud’ marijuana for $30 - $35 a gram and $150 - $220 an ounce. You can choose Hawaiian, white rhino, skunk, blueberry, California orange or banana. If you prefer ecstasy, for $25 a pill, there are green, red or ones with cartoon pictures. Then there’s GHB, a mellow ecstasy for $50 a baby jar. Crack cocaine is widely available and sells for $8 - $10 a rail and if you want to freebase it, just add baking soda. Hash is hard to find but the oil is easy to get. Mushrooms cost $10 a gram and acid is a bargain at only $5 a hit. Methamphetamine, which the teens say is a stronger form of speed, costs $15-$18 a point.
And there’s the prescription drugs sold on the streets like Tylenol 3s for $2-$2.50 a pill and Dexatrin for $2-2.50 a pill.
“There’s lots of candy on the table here,” said Mike Bell, a youth street worker for South Okanagan Integrated Community Services Society, who spends much of his time on the streets reaching out to the youth.
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wow I had no idea the Okanagan was such a dangerous place.
Penticton is the land of drugs. The boys have little to no supervision and drug use is rampant among the players. My son was on the AA last year with Dixon Ward. We were excited our son to play for a man with a big NHL background. We were sorely disappointed. He rarely showed for practice and the school did not do anything about it. Ward is an owner so anything goes. My son said drinking was an issue with the coaches and Ward had quite a reputation with chasing women. Needless to say, we did not send our son back to OHA.
The idea that our boys will be coached by NHL players sounds really great but if they never come to practice, it won't do your son much good.
Unfortunatly there are drugs everywhere and that is why as parents we need to teach our children about them. As a hockey player my son has no desire to do drugs so one would think that if you are spending that kind of money for your kid to play hockey that they would not be easily swayed to do drugs if in fact they want a career in hockey. Is OHA the babysitter for parents who don't teach there kids about drugs or who just want to pawn them off?
OHA should not be held responsible for the choices the kids make....Pretty interesting that whoever wrote that one with all the drugs and money wow where do you get the info from your kids?
little to no supervison My son plays AAA and he has a 9:30 curfew and he is 17....Doesn't your son follow the rules? My son does
yes, my son follows the rules but many don't and time and time again they slide at OHA, no discipline for trouble makers. They might expel them at the last minute but we have to live with their crap all year. OHA knows kids are constantly breaking the rules and for certain kids they let it slide. That is a fact.
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