An OHA parent recently wrote in to describe how OHA spends a disproportionate amount of their revenue on the Major Midget team, coached by Alan Kerr. This team also appears to have a number of sons of OHA coaches. Have a look at the comment:
"My son is on the AAA1 team with Robert Dirk. He is a good coach and my son is learning a lot. My chief complaint is that most of the money and development are concentrated on the top team with Alan Kerr. They've played nearly twice the number of games and they travel constantly. It's obvious our funds are funding the top team and the development of the Kerr clan.
We will not return next year unless they guarantee my son a spot on the same team as the Kerr boys. I will not participate in the funding of the top team again."
We will not return next year unless they guarantee my son a spot on the same team as the Kerr boys. I will not participate in the funding of the top team again."
I don't think its right to try to get a guarantee for a particular spot on a team but I can understand how these folks are frustrated all the funds are going to the top team.
is any of this true? I was looking for a hockey school in Canada but this one seems to have more problems than most.
my son is on OHA Midget 2. This program sucks. We will definitely not be back. Try POE or Edge. They are better programs at a fraction of the cost.
has anyone seen where Kerr has himself in position to coach his son, nephew and other coaches kids next season? They will get all the money again and the other boys on the lesser teams will be funding them. Wake up people! Your kids are being used for the development of the Kerr boys.
Alan's team does get all the money for travel. Everyone knows he has local kids not paying full tuition. That's what they have the Americans for, to pay full tuition to fund the development of his son and their friends.
The last post is exactly right. If you are American and you think you have a snowballs chance up there forget it. My son played there for 1 year at 14 and was a better player than either of the Kerr's. The primary problem was he is an American! The whole thing is fixed to favor the Kerr boys and their CANADIAN friends. It's not that hard to figure out. My son is back in the states playing on a team that would mop the floor with their supposed "AAAA" team. They think alot of themselves up there, unfortunately the last two years they have been owned by USA teams including this year. They live in their own little world.
just take a look at rosters on oha website. last time i chekced there were around 9 penticton kids on the top team. tell me that's not fixed. also the top team is no better than the poe aaa team. what kind of quad team are they?
i've heard that Alan Kerr is coaching summerland(junior b) sting next year. i'm guessing that means his son will be there too.
yeah and I could just guess you'll see kids of coaches and Kerr's nephew there too. Look for local Pen boys on scholarship while the American kids pay the tab.
That exactly how it works. Its a pretty good strategy if you can fool people into funding your own kids, nephews, friends, etc. As if that isn't bad enough that the other players fund their family and friends they don't even provide good training to them. After my son left there after a year he moved to a program much better and rigerous than OHA. They blow a lot of smoke up your a.. yet they don't deliver. There is no way anyone who knows the deal up there would send their son there. Besides, they just teach the same "old time hockey" methods that are out of date. Maybe that's why they get trounced everytime they come to play in the states. It's a new game.
how about you learn how to play hockey make the top and stop bitchin.......ya dig?!
What would OHA know about "the top". They get their heads handed to them everytime they play just a decent team. They couldn't begin to compete at "the top" and havent' for a long time. They play at "the top" only in their little world. Hell they got skunked by middle of the road USA teams and don't even have the balls to play any of the top teams. It would be a double digit loss for "the top" pretenders from OHA.
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