We hear over and over from parents about team overcrowding at OHA. From the OHA website, it seems the target number for each team is 24 players, three of whom are goaltenders. Is it acceptable to have 6 boys sitting each game due to overcrowding? With school tuition approaching 40,000 a year, is it okay for your son to sit on the sidelines?
How does OHA compare with similar programs in Western Canada in terms of roster size? Well, they are over full, or at least that is our assessment. The Edge School has three team and carries 19, 19 and 16, respectively. Banff Academy, also considered to be over full, carries 21 players and a whopping 5 goalies! POE, carries a more reasonable 19 boys, but they are over full with goalies at 4.
Our question is this........... Are OHA and Banff Academy
really focused on development or are money grabbers? It is possible, if not probable, that OHA has a sliding scale for tuition as it has been reported by bloggers. Is it true that families of lessor players pay full tilt while the top team enjoys all the travel, hockey development and exposure all at a discounted cost? How does a perspective player score a deal like that at OHA?
We would like to learn more about the other competing programs? Are the top teams lined with coaches kids getting all the benefits? Are these programs filled with father coaches, as is the case with OHA? We've heard good things about POE, for example, but what is the downside of this program? Is it true that POE has been beating OHA's top midget team? The Edge School has enjoyed recent success against OHA's top team, trouncing them by double digits. What if anything ails the Edge? Banff Academy cannot compete with the top OHA midget team, but they easily handle OHA Midget AAA. What are the negative aspects of Banff Academy?
We welcome your opinions.