OHA Priorities:
3. Development of players who have very wealthy parents who not only pay the exorbitant tuition, room and board, but also kick in extra.
Most players get little development, many are billeted with people who are extremely well paid but do not feed the kids properly (I'm talking about leftovers from the school cafeteria and stealing food that the kids' families purchased because they were complaining they didn't get enought to eat.
If you raise a ruckus about such things, lo and behold, reasons are "created" for dismissing your son from the program!!
3. Development of players who have very wealthy parents who not only pay the exorbitant tuition, room and board, but also kick in extra.
Most players get little development, many are billeted with people who are extremely well paid but do not feed the kids properly (I'm talking about leftovers from the school cafeteria and stealing food that the kids' families purchased because they were complaining they didn't get enought to eat.
If you raise a ruckus about such things, lo and behold, reasons are "created" for dismissing your son from the program!!
Buyer beware! This is not exactly high praise from parents of OHA players.
It just so happens that our son had a fabulous billet experience but I have to say that is definitely not the norm. We got very lucky. Many of our son's friends got a raw deal and the issues of proper food definitely came up. My biggest concern was that many of the boys were running around Penticton at night, not a safe town, and some of the billet parents never cared whether their billet boys ever came home or called. This is how the boys get into a lot of trouble.
We are intimately familar with OHA. Over time we came to realize what a bunch of phoneys they really are. They are in it for the money and the level of instruction is at best mediocre. On top of that they aren't the smartest guys around. As to the billet situation we had it good, yet most don't. They care more about the money than they do the players. Look into how many have "really" ascended to higher ranks. Not many. Oh yeah you could play 40K to be on a Junior B team I guess. What a joke.
Ask Andy for a refund and see what he says. I did and he said no. Last year (43) players did not come back. What does that tell you?
Ask Andy for a refund and see what he says. I did and he said no. Last year (43) players did not come back. What does that tell you?
Wow! The wheels starting falling off 2 years ago and have gone down hill fast ever since. No one in their right mind would stay in that organization. Their organizational skills were terrible. As to getting any money back you can forget it. I paid progressively so I could control that part and pull the plug if needed. I'm probably one of the few luck ones who didn't get left holding the bag. I run a fairly successful business and over time recognized what a bunch of shysters these guys are. We call it leverage. They were shocked when we quickly pulled the plug on them. They deserve all the bad press and its a good thing this blog exists in order to expose them for who they really are. I appreciate whoever started it up and it saves people from getting stuck in the future that is great. These guys are the worst vermon taking advantage of what usually are fine young men who step out with a lot of courage to play a long way from home and they treat them the way they do. Take advantage of good people. It doesn't get any lower than that. OHA is despicable in their behavior and care of these fine young men.
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