Friday, May 1, 2009


One of our readers recently offered some advice re: Okanagan Hockey Academy and their recruitment plans at Global.  It's the perfect place to find players who are hopeful they will draw the attention of scouts.  Instead, they often fall victim to the OHA machine ready to reach into their pockets and take $40,000 after a bit of schmoozing.  It's a great strategy and a mighty big payday!

"Its amazing the amount of crap they feed people to get them to write that check in the spring. We never did. We paid as we went. I wouldn't recommend this program to anyone, yet if you get taken in don't pay in advance. You will regret it. I think the word is getting out on these guys. They usually are working the showcases hard at Global Burnaby and Las Vegas. Don't get sucked in. Go make a real team which you can be proud of playing for."


Anonymous said...

I for one cannot believe anyone can afford 40,000 a year for a public high school. Given the state of the economy I'd be surprised if they filled their rosters next year. I understand they have dropped their prices on summer camps but as of yet we have not seen them adjust their year-round school prices.

Anonymous said...

I expect like you, people are really looking at the expense of going up there for the coming summer camps and tournaments. They charge a premium price not to mention the cost of traveling up there and arranging a place to stay. It's a nice place to spend some of the summer, but the program is middle of the road and it is really expensive to stay up there. We are going to Hawaii instead! Plenty of quality hockey a lot closer to home at a lot more reasonable price.

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled onto this site as I was looking to sign my son up for hockey camp this summer. OHS was a great camp when we went there. We have never considered sending our son away to hockey school and forty grand is not affordable for anyone anymore. But I do think they run a good summer camp for the kids and I don't mind Penticton for a few weeks. I want to hear more about their recession discounts. I read someplace on this site that they have reduced their fees on summer camps. My son is 15 and a strong AA player in Southern California. Any info is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Best thing to do to find out about a discount is to call their offices. We did and got some knocked off the price, plus got a rate on a hotel. So its worth looking into.

Anonymous said...

How much of this site is true? My son wants to go to OHA next year and I will not send my son there if there is a crack house next to the high school. Some of the stuff on this site is very disturbing but many people say its not true. I was also under the impression the school is semi-private with special classes only for the hockey boys which are academic in nature and not just study halls.

I am looking for real advice here and not just from people who are angry at the school. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The reason people are rightfully "angry" at the school is because of the way OHA runs their business. Think about it, who sends their player to OHA and pays 40K if they aren't relatively skilled, successful, and intelligent people who have trusted OHA to make good on their commitments and see a value in sending them there based on OHA's commitment to their player? You aren't dealing with stupid people here. Most of the parents own and operate their own businesses or are executive level people in order pay that amount. This is the background of a number of people on this site. It's all about integrity and getting a good value for your investment. OHA doesn't pass muster on either of these fronts. Their summer program is OK. I wouldn't send my player to their academy program if it were 10K much less 40K. There are much better programs in the USA. That said, your player has to be good enough to make one of the quality teams in the USA or locally in Canada. If he isn't then sending him to OHA will give him "some" credibility, yet it's really not worth it. If your player can't make the top teams in the USA or locally, have him play for the best team he can make and work towards moving up. He won't get anything at OHA he wouldn't receive in the USA or in a good local program. Many programs in the USA are much better than OHA and it shows in the players development who go through those programs. Most U16 AAA Tier 1 USA teams would clober OHA's top Midget team. They also cost a lot less. We've been through both sides. What you are really looking for is development whereever you are. OHA is at best mediocre on that front. Certainly not work the money.

Anonymous said...

If someone wants to know about their program, contact one of their people, don't talk to Alan Kerr or Andy Oakes. Call a Blake Wesley or Robert Dirk. They will give you the honest truth about their company. People on this blog have admitted they are straight shooting guys, so give them a call.

Anonymous said...

OMG Keep up the good work! You have definitely struck a nerve!!!

Alan Kerr has started his own blog called the "real" okanagan hockey academy blog....

This can only mean that this blog (the Original OHA blog) has had an effect on the Academy's bottom line.

Good Job!

Anonymous said...

On their so-called blog you are not allowed to complain and you must leave your name. Boring! Obviously their main interest is in keeping the masses quiet. I'll post my truthful comments here thank you very much. The anonymous button is a great thing. You can say what you think and they cannot do a thing about it and they cannot hurt my chances of making a Jr team because I dared to say they are less than perfect.

OHA is not a good place to send your kid. Drugs are rampant and they do nothing to develop your kid unless your last name is KERR.

40 K and another 2500 to pay if you are lucky enough to make their top midget team which is less than an average US AAA team from anywhere. Also, if you need ESL classes its more again. Very few folks have that kind of money anymore and OHA needs to go back to basics and get a grip on reality.

Wesley and Dirk will not communicate their true feelings about OHA. It's where their paycheck comes from and how they put groceries on the table. OHA is run by a bunch of over the hill NHL guys who are on the take for every buck they can get for themselves and most of them have next to no higher level education and more than a few concussions in their day with lasting residual effects.

Anonymous said...

Awesome and accurate comments obviously from someone who has "lived the dream" at OHA! Some dream. More like a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe OHA launched their own blog? As if there isn't enough propaganda on their website they plastered even more on their blog site. Unbelievable. There is no limit to these guys blowing their own horn. I shocked those guys can get their heads through the door. These guys never cease to amaze. What an ego.

Anonymous said...

Ok here's my issue..and i'm all for people finding the truth. I just flipped onto there blog and read what they had to say. So far there hasn't been anything that I'd say is made up or wrong. I've read a few stories about what some of their kids have done and read from an ex player. It doesn't look that bad to me. There is nothing stopping people from making their comments on it..i posted an anonymous post and even if it didn't get put on, they still have to read what i have to say.

Anonymous said...

Has OHA rigged U17?

Anonymous said...

the point is that you should have a right to be heard. You can say virtually anything here about your OHA experiences good and bad and read about it. Their blog is a propaganda machine created to deflect attention away from this blog where players can critique their coaches and their experiences at OHA.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tried to comment on their blog? There is an anonymous post on there. Its a decent one however, but one is there.

Anonymous said...

They have some nice, fluffy stories on their blog. True, some kids do have a good experience at OHA. I just think people should have the opportunity to discuss all the ins and outs of their company. People should make an informed decision when laying out that kind of money for a public high school/hockey school

Anonymous said...

Someone called the OHA blog a propaganda site? Of course it is, so is this. They both are propaganda, just one for the good, one for the bad. I'm not sure why there is such uproar over them having a blog now. So what? People can read both, they can see downfalls and they can see the good side of things. There are a lot of negative stories here, and there are a lot of positive stories there. So really it comes down to each individual making their own informed decision. If anyone has any questions about a program, call and ask them the hard questions you have, see what they have to say, get an explanation. If your worried about a crack house, then ask about it. For me the crack house issue is a two sided story to me. If it is a known crack house, what logic is there that the RCMP, who are located 4 blocks away haven't done a thing? It doesn't make sense. If it is a legitimate issue, call the RCMP and ask. The thing with choosing programs, is you need to ask every possible question of any source you can think of. Call school boards, call school advisors and teachers, call people in the community. After you've done all that, then you won't have anything to complain about when you do make a decision.

Anonymous said...

Their starting a blog shows they are followers. This is the original blog. I suppose they needed to stem the bleeding.

Anonymous said...

It would make sense for them to start a blog, what would you want poping up first in a google search? This blog or their own? Obviously they'd want their own. Which again makes me question just how valid this blog's posts and comments are by "different" people. If there were that many people commenting, and with the number of hits this site says it has, it should be ranked higher then a blog that started last week.

Anonymous said...

well if you are comparing apples to apples i would say for what you are getting OHA is the best hockey program out there with POE a very close second

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot that is unhappy because there kid din't make the grade. You were kicked out of OHA due to the fact you are crazy. Not strange crazy just straight jacket crazy. It's funny every hockey person I have talked to have nothing but good things to say about OHA. Mostly glowing with praise. You are really a pathetic individual and should be
felt sorry for. Worse you kid should be felt sorry for because you are there parent. Get a life
All of these posts are from you...

Anonymous said...

OHA sucked ass this year and they are going to be even worse next year.

Anonymous said...

Time after Time my posts are blocked. Funny.... I guess there is no room for a positive opinion of OHA on this blog. You are still very sad. Also I haven't seen why you got kicked out on the blog yet. Curious... Lies, deciet, half truths, bitter whines.
Pretty much all you spin on here.
If you get out of the straight jacket long enough I would be intrested in that one... OH right you left because you wanted to. Because you son (ie- superstar) didn't get his rightfull spot on the top team. Cause you are american. What a load of "Americanism". Sometimes, not usually but sometimes other people besides Americans can play a sport also. Perhaps your kid was a whiny, bitchy little American punk like you are acting like. I would say most likely, and all your money couldn't buy your way on to the team. Sounds pretty likely to me. Especially after reading all your off the wall comments. You need to get a life and stop Canada bashing. Talking about the kids, the girls, the RCMP, the bad doctors, schools, etc.. Here is a selling point for OHA if you send your kids here they won't turn out to be an American idiot like the one who runs this blog. SOLD!

Anonymous said...

Don't be hatin' on the Americans now. If it wasn't for them you would have a pot to piss in! BC ain't bad, but it sucks compared to the USA. Really there are only two kinds of people in the world, the Americans and those who wished they were Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! You gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1
Oh quit your bickering. Here it is.
If you want to spend the $23,000 for OHA, plus $500.00 per month billet fees, plus $10,000 out of province public school fees and additional trip costs charged onto your credit card -go right ahead.
Here it is, black and white, my wife and I decided to share some points of interest with you.
Yes Alan Kerr and Andy Oakes are after your money.
Yes the program is poorly run.
No Alan does not respect the boys, insults and degrading comments on and off the ice are the norm.
Yes Alan has stated that he is 'super human' because only super humans make the NHL.
Yes the boys who are billetted often go hungry and parents must give them extra money to buy food. Cereal for supper is common.
Yes OHA boys are afraid to speak up for fear of being benched, labelled or not spoken well of by the coaches to prospective teams. Talk to them at the end of the season.
Yes Alan promotes his friends kids.
Yes many players know what team their son is on prior to committing, we did.
Yes they want $1000.00 non refundable commitment fee for the following year in January -long before August Junior teams make their roster. Not to mention that they also want most of the next years tuition paid before September, so if you choose to go to a Junior B team you don't get any of it back, only if they go to Junior A team. Interesting since they now have the Penticton Lakers Junior B team themselves, but won't refund money if you go to another Junior B team -other than their own.
Yes often boys would arrive at their billets homes in the wee hours of the morning after road trips, be expected to sleep for a couple of hours then be on the van at 600 just to write a test in class at school that they didn't know about because the material was taught while they were on the road.
We regret the move to OHA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1 continued...
Yes there is absolutely a well known crack house next to the school, which on occasion security is hired by the city to stand by and direct kids away from, -but they just meet around the corner -there is only one security guard there, he can't be on all four sides of 24-7 (store) at the same time.
Yes they have tutors 'so to speak', do they ever go on out of town trips to help the boys as promised -no, never.
Yes the boys go on road trips during review weeks -right before exams and have no tutors on the trips to help them study or answer questions for them. POE excels in this area, tutors go on road trips and a separate study room is booked at their hotel for them to use.
Yes you can hire private tutors in Penticton -at an additional $30.00 - $35.00 per hour. Most are students or recent grads.
The curfew calls almost never ever happen, and the boys are pre-warned when they will occur.
The boys attend a public school, with many teachers of very poor ratings -see '' for specific teachers.
Yes, it is true most teachers are in an uproar because they do not want the hassle of having academy boys in their classes -why, because they miss so much school, that is a very heavy burden on them to try to get them caught up. Can you blame them?
Yes the OHA 'honor role' is fixed, the academy classes are like spares with an academy teacher walking around to help them if needed. The boys get high 90's in this class, but low grades in the core courses, average it out and voila! -good marks = honor role.
Yes drugs are rampant at Penticton Secondary School and there are known dealers in the same classes with the OHA boys.
Do you really want to spend $40,000 plus to have your prospective hockey son at a public school sharing a desk with known school drug dealers?
Yes there are some success stories for OHA boys - but you have to know the connections, as for Cole Manning -awesome job for him, the 'real' OHA blog didn't mention that at the banquet Alan Kerr stated 'I guess this shows that miracles can happen' when referring to this boy. Typical comment from Alan.
Yes when the coaches go on road trips, a few of them spend more evening/night time in bars drinking than supervising the boys.
We regret the move to OHA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1 continued...
No they do not perform drug testing - they should. You sign that it is okay to do, but when the coaches son is one of them using drugs and/or alcohol no kidding they won't do them.
Yes they promote your son -if you are personal friends.
Yes the boys do get some exposure on road trips which results in letters for spring/main camps for Junior A and B teams, but don't ever voice a concern about the program because when the teams contact Alan for a previous years referral watch out. My wife and I know of some families that have fallen misfortune to this. Many know to see through it and don't bother making the referral call to Alan at all.
Yes the OHA has connections with the NCAA, but after you enrol with OHA, and a few months pass and the scout from the NCAA won't recognize you, your wife, or your son in an empty room.
Yes the boys miss many many classes for ice time or on or off ice training. Time that they can't make up especially with resentful teachers.
Yes they have an absolutely beautiful new office with decorative brick walls and waterfalls. Simply stunning.
Yes they have kicked some academy boys out of the program for misbehaving and not following rules and of course kept all the money.
Yes they had dismissed an academy staff member for issues non disclosed but related to certain 'deals'.
No they do not support your son, it is a 'gonna watch you till we get you' approach.
Yes they have problems getting billet families due to past bad experiences, many have backed out and said enough.
Yes sometimes there are up to 4 academy boys in one billet house.
No the billet coordinator does not go and check out the homes prior to billetting the boys, some live in basement rooms with no windows, or closets -just 4 walls.
Yes, the boys develop their skills on ice but not as much as they should for the amount of time they spend on the ice with ex NHL'ers.
Yes the boys mature but mainly because of the morals, values, goals that they come with and strong support from their families at a distance.
Yes most of the players from last season have decided not to return because of their personal disappointment with the program.
Yes global is not what it is promoted as, there are not many scouts present. Vegas is better than Burnaby. Yes letters do come from some scouts that do attend, it is a big recruitment tactic, but also every other money making camp as well that your e-mail is shared with. Every player at OHA summer camps receives a global invite which recognizes them as an elite player, even if they are house league level.
Yes the boys are kept busy with their schedule, but we can not stress enough how many classes they miss, school is definately second in the OHA program. If they fall behind because OHA schedules most of their practises etc during certain class time, the boys are blamed for falling behind.
Yes we understand they are making some adjustments for this coming season -wonder why?
We regret moving our son to OHA

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1 continued...
Yes they will charge extra fees on your credit card for out of town trips, on top of the other costs.
Yes they are having trouble filling their rosters for this coming year, so house league players don't lose faith you can make the OHA (AAA) or quad (AAAA) team and fit in just fine.
No players do not get equal -fair play ice time to 'promote their development' Our son did, but we witnessed many who just kept the bench warm.
Yes Alans favorites will be played more than those boys he doesn't like when scouts are watching, and others warm the bench. We haven't personally experienced this but we have witnessed this when we have flown out to games.
Is this a money grab? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Believe the comments on here, they may be written by some angry parents and past players -but they are accurate.
As for season fees being lowered due to this recession, not so, they have actually increased, for those who got prep camp or IDT at a reduced rate -you are fortunate -not everyone did, an example of the OHA fairness.
Our son attended another well known, highly accredited hockey school/academy with great success but we decided to join OHA to try it out, what a big mistake on all levels. We regret the move.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2

I would like to adress some of the issues that the "anonymous 1" person has brought forward. They look a lot like the Blog topics...

Anyways of course they are after your money it is a company. They dont do this for free they want to make money. Your company loses money you dont have a job.
As far as the food issue this one could be based in fact. Everyone eats different things and if the billet and the student are not on the same food type/ schedule there could be an issue. Going in this should be recongnized by any parent.
We planned for this way ahead of time.
As far as getting in late and having to go to school to write a test they didn't know about. Firstly getting in late from a road trip is a part of hockey. Sometimes you get in late. The student should have took it apon himself to ask if there was going to be a test or homework etc.. Even if they had a test they should be prepared as they know they missed school. REVIEW.
Drug problems: They are everywhere pal. Not just at OHA. If you think your angel has not seen it in school you have your head in the sand. These boys should be athletes and know better. If not then you didn't prepare your kid enough and they shouldn't be at the academy anyways.
POE is not better scholastically.
They go to a chrisian school that is sub par in every way. Not good.
Penticton High is top 5 in B.C. Not bad. Only one class is the OHA block you are referring to. It is used to make up for the classes they miss. 1 out of 8 classes. How much does the mark in OHA class realy skew the marks? Not much.
Yes they kicked some kids out for not following the rules. Good. Kept the money too...good. It is not fair to the others if they let it slide too much. These kids are supposted to be dedicated athletes.
As far as developement it is up to each player and can only be judged by someone outside. If your kid didn't work hard then his developement would be hindered. Hard to gauge and easy to complain about. Look inward for this one...
Global is a joke. Lots of obscure invites... Inisfil lakers(junior A), dartmouth university(NCAA), Everett Silvertips(WHL). Yeah no good at all.

There will be extra fees for special trips. Its in the paperwork. Travel to Boston, North Dakota, Dallas, Anahiem etc.. can't be cheap. It is outlined ahead of time.
Lastly, equal ice. If you have played Rep or on a travelling team this should not surprise. The best players play more, the weaker play less. Fact of higher end hockey not an issue.

My real issue is with the people on here talking smack about stuff from years ago. Trying to ruin it for everyone. If you don't like it don't go. The "I didn't have a good experience so I will ruin it for everyone" mentality is pathetic to say the least. Get over it, learn from it, and move on. OHA has and will be the better without you.