"There are a number of top quality organizations in the US. I wouldn't waste my time or money to send them to Canada. We've done both and I would suggest having him stay in the USA. There is a lot more opportunity if he is a US citizen in the states. Besides that every year more and more NCAA teams are securing many of their players through the USA Junior programs which are mostly Americans. The programs in the USA are as good or better than any of those in Canada. That's our personal 2 cents based on participating in both. OHA is definitely not worth the money. Notre Dame in Canada has a good program or Shattuck St. Mary's in Minnesota. These are the more premiere prep schools, yet there are politics there also. Have him make the best team he can and work like crazy to develop his game."
The word is that OHA enrolment is down for next year. This could be due to the economy but most likely it is due to word getting out in the hockey community that this program is over priced and sub par.
It's the end of the year and its time for you guys to negotiate your spots for next year. OHA pre-picked teams for parents with the most money and plenty of moxie. This is how its done at OHA.
money aside, do not let OHA sell the bull that all the coaches are former nhl players, because that is all there selling, you may be getting a former NHL player as a coach, but this does not mean at all that you are getting a great coach, they are selling you a name, not always a superior coach. Alot of these former NHLers get high profile jobs, just because they have played at the highest level
one OHA coach in particular was totally shitty and that's Dixon Ward. Big NHL guy but hitting the pubs and not coaching. They do have good coaches at OHA who where in the NHL but the real issue is that the quality of player there for the most part is very poor. Most of these kids come from somewhere where they had issues and were not wanted or failed to progress. Ultimately it means these kids at OHA either have serious social problems or lack talent, or both.
OHA has seen its brightest days and they are doing nothing but going downhill now.
we were considering this school for our son until I learned about the total lack of supervision for the boys at the billet situation. The tuition is insane there too.
well the school must have something good I know a few blue collar workers who kept there kids there for 2 and 3 years a few of them were house leage players who are playing junior this year
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