Yes, there is absolutely a well known crack house next to the school, which on occasion security is hired by the city to stand by and direct kids away from, -but they just meet around the corner -there is only one security guard there, he can't be on all four sides of 24-7 (store) at the same time.Yes they have tutors 'so to speak', do they ever go on out of town trips to help the boys as promised -no, never.Yes the boys go on road trips during review weeks -right before exams and have no tutors on the trips to help them study or answer questions for them. POE excels in this area, tutors go on road trips and a separate study room is booked at their hotel for them to use.Yes, you can hire private tutors in
Penticton -at an additional $30.00 - $35.00 per hour. Most are students or recent grads.The curfew calls almost never ever happen, and the boys are
pre-warned when they will occur.The boys attend a public school, with many teachers of very poor ratings -see '
rateyourteacher.com' for specific teachers.Yes, it is true most teachers are in an uproar because they do not want the hassle of having academy boys in their classes -why, because they miss so much school, that is a very heavy burden on them to try to get them caught up. Can you blame them?Yes, the
OHA 'honor role' is fixed, the academy classes are like spares with an academy teacher walking around to help them if needed. The boys get high 90's in this class, but low grades in the core courses, average it out and voila! -good marks = honor role.Yes, drugs are rampant at
Penticton Secondary School and there are known dealers in the same classes with the
OHA boys.Do you really want to spend $40,000 plus to have your prospective hockey son at a public school sharing a desk with known school drug dealers?Yes, there are some success stories for
OHA boys - but you have to know the connections, as for Cole Manning -awesome job for him, the 'real'
OHA blog didn't mention that at the banquet Alan Kerr stated "I guess this shows that miracles can happen" when referring to this boy. Typical comment from Alan.Yes, when the coaches go on road trips, a few of them spend more evening/night time in bars drinking than supervising the boys.
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