Yes, there is absolutely a well known crack house next to the school, which on occasion security is hired by the city to stand by and direct kids away from, -but they just meet around the corner -there is only one security guard there, he can't be on all four sides of 24-7 (store) at the same time.Yes they have tutors 'so to speak', do they ever go on out of town trips to help the boys as promised -no, never.Yes the boys go on road trips during review weeks -right before exams and have no tutors on the trips to help them study or answer questions for them. POE excels in this area, tutors go on road trips and a separate study room is booked at their hotel for them to use.Yes, you can hire private tutors in
Penticton -at an additional $30.00 - $35.00 per hour. Most are students or recent grads.The curfew calls almost never ever happen, and the boys are
pre-warned when they will occur.The boys attend a public school, with many teachers of very poor ratings -see '
rateyourteacher.com' for specific teachers.Yes, it is true most teachers are in an uproar because they do not want the hassle of having academy boys in their classes -why, because they miss so much school, that is a very heavy burden on them to try to get them caught up. Can you blame them?Yes, the
OHA 'honor role' is fixed, the academy classes are like spares with an academy teacher walking around to help them if needed. The boys get high 90's in this class, but low grades in the core courses, average it out and voila! -good marks = honor role.Yes, drugs are rampant at
Penticton Secondary School and there are known dealers in the same classes with the
OHA boys.Do you really want to spend $40,000 plus to have your prospective hockey son at a public school sharing a desk with known school drug dealers?Yes, there are some success stories for
OHA boys - but you have to know the connections, as for Cole Manning -awesome job for him, the 'real'
OHA blog didn't mention that at the banquet Alan Kerr stated "I guess this shows that miracles can happen" when referring to this boy. Typical comment from Alan.Yes, when the coaches go on road trips, a few of them spend more evening/night time in bars drinking than supervising the boys.
We regret the move to
anyone who knows anything knows that POE is a much better program at reasonable prices.
I don't know anything about POE or any other hockey school, but I do know OHA, and this site speaks the truth.
OHA is no place to send your kid, period! They cannot deliver what they promise, and if you are not in the "in group" your kid will not be developed. You'll be lucky if he is not destroyed.
The sooner this school closes the better.
Everyone should read the "Anonymous 1" posting (in 4 sections) dated 8/11/09. It is in the comments section of "OHA in search of fresh meat at Globals"
It is clear these people speak from experience, and they are right on.
well we have been here for 2 years and we are very happy here lots of ice and trips 55 games NHL coaches , Power Skating, Yoga the program has impoved much since last year!
That's nice Alan. You've been there more than 2 years.
lol, sure it is Alan. They must really be feeling the effects of being exposed.
Yeah everyone has your level of bitterness and resent. Did ya ever think perhaps some people are happy with the program? You are a very sad individual. Oh no now I wont get posted....whatever
Yes, there are a few, but there are a LOT that are not. You can take that to the Bank Alan, and we all know how much you like going to the Bank.(with our money)
"lots of ice and trips 55 games NHL coaches , Power Skating, Yoga the program has impoved much since last year!"
ok alan (or whoever), let's go over these one by one:
1)yes lots of ice, but you shouldn't have to go on road trips to calgary every month to play hockey in canada, and you DEFINITELY shouldn't have to drive an hour to kelowna just to practice once a week from april-july.
2) nhl coaches? Dirk and Wesley are legit, but just because you were qualified to get your face punched in for 9 years does not qualify you to teach skills and systems to young players who may or may not have better skating and hands than you. I can't comment on Randy Jaycock, but it's a bit of a misnomer to call a perennial bench-warmer an nhl player.Dixon Ward? his doctor took a blood sample and it was 80 proof (and he rarely even shows up). that nhlpa card only covers a 8x5cm part of your ass. you still have to cover the rest.
3)power skating yes. if a player is a real athelete, he will benefit from this (about 20-35% of your enrolled players).
4)yoga yes. about 3-4 times during the season, more regularly in summer. but really, who cares?
Surprise the last comment here is the next new blog topic. Not the blog owner....yeah right. My bet would be most of these comments are from one person. One messed up person.
As for POE take your head out of your "cavity". POE is a gong show.
Bussing to Winfield every day for school and hockey. Lots of bad stories from there. Less money to start unless you want to play then the price goes way up. Pay for every trip if you get to play.
Not any good. Oh yeah and OHA beat them at every level.
Ha Ha, guess again. lol! This is the "people's" blog. Posts are generated from comments we find to be a very effective description of the REAL OHA.
I guess for you its a lot easier to convince yourselves that there was only one unhappy family at OHA and naturally, that person is "crazy."
The truth always has a way of finding itself out. Before dropping 40 G at OHA, get informed.
OK set up your blog to post IP addresses. That way we can see when you post every comment yourself.
You mean this is the people who didnt get what they wanted blog. The people who thought there kid should have made the top team but didnt blog. The american sorry excuse for a human being blog. The I got kicked out and 3 years later are still crying about it blog. Yeah your blog.
hehehehe! OHA sucks!!!!!!!!! Talk about a gong show!!!!!!!!!
I love this blog...you know...I can't believe that there are actually those fools out there that didn't realize that almost all of the 'anonymous 1' comments could actually be based on and backed by facts. In case you didn't see that go back, read it again and check things out for yourself. BTW...It would blow you away to know how far our son got in hockey -because of skill and talent, not OHA. So please don't consol yourself by thinking negative comments on here are from angry parents who's kids didn't make top OHA teams -they did and have moved far beyond that.
hmm...so just to confirm: if ANYTHING good about OHA is said on this site...we are supposed to reply: Thank you Alan or Andy?? Alright, that seems easy enough. LOL. You guys need a life...as do I for even reading this. Sorry your kids didn't work hard enough to make it to the NHL. Just blame OHA, that way you don't have to face the truth that your son is probably into drugs or just not the success that you couldn't be. With most of the programs out there you get what you put in. I am sure that OHA, POE and whatever others there are all try to do what is best for the kids, some are better at it than others is all.
Let us know when you (Alan) get your new life. I'am sure you will find out that OHA still Sucks.
YES. POE is a lot better at it than OHA.
POE is not better than OHA.
First hockey,
Check for yourselves on the OMAHA website. OHA AAA and AA played in that league. That is team 2 and 3.
Team one midget (AAAA) would have ruled in the AAA league no doubt.
OHA AAA(2) didnt do well but still finished above POE2. Look on the website all 23 players from AAAA last year are playing junior b or higher. ALL!, Even if you take the 4 playing on the Lakers still 19 of 23 playing Junior with lots of junior A. No way to argue that.
2)Life in the Christian school at POE is over and they are now bussed to Winfield to regular school. Oh yeah and they are bussed there for hockey also. Lots of stories of dissatified people. They did well in Bantam but all those players are leaving. Not great.
They have good coaches at POE but they have good ones at OHA also.
Facility is light years ahead at OHA. There own dressing rooms, private gym, game break down on big screen. Weigh it out and OHA looks way better.
No Doubt.
A few of you people STILL do not get it. $40,000.00 are you kidding me?
No you dont get it. It doesnt matter how much you try to spin everything. How much you change the subject when you are proved wrong. How much you keep trying to bring down OHA. It is a decent program and will continue without you. Probably better for it.
I am happy that you agree with me. No one in their right mind would pay $40,000.00 for a DECENT program. It sure sounds like you get a pay check from OHA. You better hope they do not read this.
OMG OHA sucks ass. You are kidding me with this BS about it being a good program.
The OHA is wrong for promising people that if they join the OHA there son will become a big time player and move on the Jr A/university/whl etc. But its the parents that are wrong for paying $40,000 and then blaming the academy when they realize there sons hockey is going nowhere. You cant expect the OHA to turn brutal players into bchl allstars in 1 season. Give me a break. I am not defending the OHA in anyway but come on parents if your sons not a player then figure it out and dont spend the $40,000 to send him there. Its as simple as that.
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