Notice how OHA tried to take credit on their website for 'Moving the entire Major Midget AAAA team' BS. Those kids from AAAA and their parents refused to send their kids to OHA another season even if it meant them not playing this year or dropping down to whatever or wherever they could play. The boys were seen by other teams, without OHA's help or input at spring camps and in turn invited to fall evaluation camps in and out of province. The boys scrambled desperately to find teams to play for this season - who would appreciate them for their talent (pre OHA experience), just so that they would not have to go back to OHA. Parents were happy as now they could afford to buy their own kids a car instead of yet contributing to another one for the Kerr family. Then OHA tried to take credit for them all moving on. Pathetic. OHA had nothing to do with the entire QUAD team moving on. NOTHING. The boys told them they were NOT going back there no matter what. The boys who couldn't make any other Junior A or B team ended up being added to the old Sting team now the Penticton Lakers -Junior B or Alberni Bulldogs, -both owned by OHA just so that they would have a place to play and OHA could take credit for moving them on. By the way...Junior B with OHA costs the same $40,000, whereas other Junior B team players/parents are paying almost NOTHING!
The Lakers formerly the Sting are just awful. OHA will put anyone on their rosters who can afford to pay and they have no shame. The Lakers have a few quality players but it is impossible for them to shine through a sea of shit players who are not Jr B level but who obviously have parents with$$$. Nothing ever changes at OHA.
The word is out on them. It's too bad because they do have two quality coaches on their staff and 3 years ago they were a program on the move. Now they are just an embarrassment
Kerr got the coaching job because he wants to continue playing daddy ball. His kid is on the Lakers. His nephew moved on to the BCHL. That must be tough on the old man. Better to go out and buy another Mercedes Benz or go score another girlfriend on the side like he did in Port Alberni. Exercise your mid life crisis with cars and women instead of pressuring kids who don't even want to play hockey
we sent our son to OHA and it was the worst decision we ever made. The drugs in Penticton are insane, underage drinking, no enforcement of rules, billet families with illicit drugs in the house, inadequate meals for the boys because many billet families try to make money off the food stipend. The list goes on and on. We were lucky to salvage his hockey career after OHA got finished with him. Parents should be ware of this school because it is really bad.
My son wanted to play at OHA. He's been to the summer camp a few times and we thought it was very good. I am surprised to learn what a nightmare the year-round hockey school is and the team performances are very poor. For 40,000 it should be fantastic and its obviously not.
Thank you for saving us the trouble. We will look into Notre Dame. Anyone know anything about the Hounds?
From someone that has been there the program is excellent. The teams are good, the coaching and enviroment is top notch. The academy deliveres in all aspects.
We do not regret the move to OHA at all. Just look in the BCHL there are great prospects from OHA on a bunch of the teams.
Almost half of the players from last years teams are playing Junior B or higher this year.
BAM....just cant argue that
no matter what spin you try and put on it..
From someone that has been there it is NOT GOOD. The teams are NOT GOOD. Some coaches are OK. The academy delivers in ONE area ( ice time ), which accounts for players improving. We DO regret the move to oha. Just look at the BCHL there a few prospects from oha on a few of the teams. Less then half of the players on the Minor Midget are playing "b" or higher( wait and see how long some last ) BAM.... I guess you can argue that no matter what spin you try to put on it..
Hello October 17 at 355 p.m. Wake up! Obviously OHA staff made that comment or someone still with the blindfold on. You poor poor thing. The entire OHA quad team moved on because of the boys own talent NOT OHA at all. OHA did nothing but try to hold boys back, these boys were survivors of the OHA program. You are so out of the loop it is pathetic! Get your head out of the sand.
OHA can't even update their website team photos to this year and didn't even bother to put in a player of the month nominee for their KIJHL team that they are oh so proud of owning. That is a hint Alan/Andy nominate a player of the month for your treasured second from last place junior B team. September is past but you still have time for October-it will look like you care just a bit! Ready?....GO!
OMG 13 losses now and 3 wins for the Pen Lakers. They are so awful!
I am not staff and his is my second comment on this blog since its conception. My son went through the OHA experience and he thought it was awesome. (He loved it!)He is now playing in the BCHL and is doing great. his new billet family could not believe how well prepared he was for the challenges of being a rookie in the BCHL. We are continually thankful to all the folks that had input into our son's life. Coach Dirk was and is my son's all time favorite. All the best and good luck to all of your boys wherever the hockey road may take them!
Thank you to the last blogger for bringing some sanity to this discussion. We hope to have the sucess you and many others
have had from the academy. In our opinion the academy is excellent and stories like yours confirm this opinion.
Prepare for the negative spin and twists and lies to try to discredit you as this is what is done on this site. Should be intresting... Please come back to share more of your OHA experiences.
Here comes the negative spin. Your boy could have made the BCHL coming from a lot of other programs for a lot less MONEY. That is if your boy is in the BCHL or if you even have a boy. Are you sure you are not a staff member? Got one thing right, Robert Dirk is very good. (Congrats on your boy Coach) Now for the other post. I only wish that i would have been prepared for all the LIES from noa. I could have saved a LOT OF MONEY. SPIN ON THAT.
Well my son played on the OHA AAAA team and last year made Alberni.Or as you put it was placed on there because he had no where else too go. 1st in the conference hmmm not bad for being a tag along player. And as for being prepared the OHA gets all the credit. They did a awesome job and if you are up in the air I about choosing take my advice and go OHA.You wont be disappointed.
oooohhh way to go. Were you blowing Andy, Alan or both? A good one slips through every few years mostly due to talent. I think you are Andy or Alan because everyone knows OHA does not have a quad team. That is a joke. They sucked in the AAA OMAHA and now they suck in the newly formed prep league supposedly designed to guarantee them some level of success.
OHA is a joke! I am happy about this site because it will help people not throw their hard earned money away on such an inferior program
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