We may have drug problems in the US but the government does not ignore drug dens. In the US they are raided and shut down. Apparently in Penticton the government thinks its good enough to have a rent-a-cop stand outside the crack house during school hours. That is not good enough. It should have been shut down. It makes me think someone in the RCMP or government is getting a kick back from drug deals.
The actual crack house next to Pen HS is yellow. Nice picture though
hahahahahaha....who would use this site as a reliable resource for research anyways.seriously.
so would you deny the existence of a crack house beside the high school campus? I wonder how Andy handles that question when perspective families ask. Do you suppose they lie and say it is not really there?
Do you suppose you lie? Gotta agree with post 2. You are a lunatic!
Who needs a reliable resource? Facts are Facts. OHA Is a poor program even at whole lot less fees. SERIOUSLY.
Suppose they LIE. Andy & Alan noses are growing and their pants are on fire. Do you agree you LUNATIC.
Everyone knows OHA is a joke. They are not fooling anyone anymore. The school is down the tubes.
Neither are you...
It's common knowledge that there are some stark cultural differences between Canada and the USA in terms of how drug use is perceived and whether or not there is drug enforcement. The USA has zero tolerance but Canada has more of a maintain and see what happens. If they can curtail violence and keep it at a minimum, the drug crack houses can provide and continue unabated.
i tried to post a comment explaining how drugs were an inalienable part of penticton's existence and it was no one man's or organization's fault.
it was not published.
apparently blunt honesty is an undesirable trait in every niche of society.
Props to Houston, Texas for electing a mayor who tells it like it is.
Your comment was published, but I think it was under a different article.
This comment was under "Not all its crack-ed up to be:
Before going ballistic about one crack house (there are plenty more within walking distance of school), realize that Penticton has a few demographic realities.
It is in the heart of central BC, where countless tons of the world's finest marijuana grows both naturally and artificially.
Ecstasy and cocaine do not carry the same stigma amongst teenagers in Penticton that they do in other places.
It is also a large distribution point for American and Mexican gangs who will then move the product east to Alberta as well as north all the way to Alaska. This is very common among population centers in otherwise remote areas (ex:Denver is a huge distribution point in America). Whenever there is a glut in the market, prices tend to go down. marijuana is usually under 200$/oz. in the city (the average is around 300)
Penticton's economy also relies heavily on tourism, which further boosts the illegal economy.
One must also take into account the human effect this has. When people hear about the booming drug market in town, it attracts more people from both sides of this dirty game.
Kelowna probably moves more weight, but it's larger city center helps conceal activity better. In either city, drugs of any kind are cheap and plentiful.
Long story short, if your kid has had issues with drug use in the past, do NOT send him to penticton thinking the city and/or OHA will straighten him out. It is much more likely the opposite will happen.
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