OHA has now stolen player Curt Lazar, a top WHL drafted player # 2 overall, from well respected POE by offering his family a completely FREE RIDE at Okanagan Hockey Academy. Some say this is a clear illustration of just how far the ownership at OHA has stooped in an effort to revive their dying program.
If the talk is about development, how will OHA accomplish this by surrounding this young man with low level players? How do the Americans feel footing the full tuition bill when they know OHA is busily passing out full ride scholarships? It's more of the same at OHA; the Americans pay the bill and the program continues to rape the dreams of young players.
Wonder how their enrolment is fairing this year?
Mark Macmillan ..an OHA product was drafted by the montreal Canadians 1n the 2010 draft. Mark truely believes the OHA helped his developement even thou his team sucked! It is individual developement in a team atmosphere and if you take the program seriously you will improve. Makes me laugh about all the drug problems this blog talks about. Why would any player serious about his hockey career even care what is going on in the little yellow house.
Mark is such a hard worker and supremely talented, he would be successful anywhere. I am not sure OHA should receive all the credit. This young man is a class act.
Fred Dobransky has moved to the persuit, he didnt retire, he just got sick of all the crap at OHA
This free ride move by OHA is going to back frie on them. This is really going to piss off paying customers. The word has already spread and people are already not happy one bit!
Regrading "developement". You have to PRACTICE with the best players in order to develope properly. Curtis Lazar is not going to be doing this at OHA I can assure you of that. Why? Because the best players do not go to this academy. They go to POE, Notre Dame and Shattuck or they play major midget and attend a public school based Hockey Canada Skills Academy or something similar.
I wonder what the OHA enrolment will bring this year. They were really awful last year with small teams. This explains why they started a team for girls.
OHA is a lousy program. You can do so much better on a fraction of the cost. The tuition is so high to offset all the free rides OHA gives to friends and family. It's disgusting.
wow. well i go to oha and have never had any issues with the drug house. players who are serious about development don't get involved in that shit anyways. and as far as enrollment, the bantam, female, and lakers teams have full rosters. AND there are only 2 spots left in the entire midget program. how's that for a dying program. get your facts straight. if you had a good time and all, stop trying to ruin it for other people.
lazar is spelt with a z.
Financial stability? The company has a controlling amount of shares up for sale. Panic mode when a potential new investor takes a look at the books and see how much is being paid back for less then ethical reasons by a certain employee in their ownership group or a house built and paid for with company money for another ex employee also part of the ownershp group. This company has some serious issues, not to mention their poor on ice performance, save for their top team. Good people get burned by OHA repeatedly and its pathetic to listen to their propaganda machine at work. Sure they spend 5 million bucks directly, but how many local vendors have to beg and plead to get paid for services? They push small business to the brink of bankruptcy, so yeah great for the community.....
The Edmonton Oil Kings paid his way and told him to go to OHA.
The Oil kings paid his way?!....I know for a fact that we didn't ...what a joke! If we wanted him to go to any "program" we would have suggested that he go to Notre Dame or stay with POE.
They also gave Matt Needham, high WHL pick, a free ride too. But it ain't free as other parents paid his way with high fees, especially out of province Canadians and Americans. It is unethical as hell and that is why people with "class" like Dave Roy of POE, and Notre Dame don't do this.
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