How does Okanagan Hockey Academy stack up with other TRUE prep schools academically and with respect to hockey quality? The following comment gives an interesting and thoughtful perspective:
"Notre Dame and Shattuck St. Mary's have a number of teams within specific age brackets. This means your player has to be a top player to play on their top team. If they aren't, they will put them on a more developmental team. They both have good programs and have a lot more depth than OHA. Their lesser teams would run over OHA's best teams. Both of these schools do not billet the players as they live in dorms. Both of them also offer much better academic opportunities for the about the same money as OHA. For what OHA charges you should be getting a prep school education. You get it at ND and SSM. You don't at OHA. The money actually goes in the owners pockets and the Americans fund their Canadian friends that can't afford to play there. As you would expect at OHA the more affluent players are Americans, while the less affluent are the Canadian cronies of the Kerr's. I guess OHA is pretty good if you are looking for a over priced, mediocre hockey program, mediocre public education, while paying a premium for others to attend for free. The owners of OHA seem to think that is a hell of a deal."