"Thats funny. Looks like Alan and Andy are back on this site. A word of advice to them. Stop sending the same thing acting like a prospective or existing parent who talks about the other peoples players not working hard enough, getting in trouble and being sent home, and what a great opportunity it is for all the players at OHA. Blah Blah Blah!!!!!!!
Very, very few players have been sent home because of bad behavior, very few have come all that way and not worked hard. Have some common sense. What parent and player would come there and spend that kind of money to not give a top effort? That's ridiculous!
What it comes down to again is very poor performance. Every team in last place. Very few advancements in recent years outside the OHA organization. That is how you measure the success of the organization. These guys have done a masterful job convincing parents that coming is last is OK as long as the players are developing. Doesn't that tell you something about the organization. What championship level player ever thought it was OK to come in last. That is again ridiculous!"
Being on a bad team definitely hinders development no matter how good the coaching is. OHA used to have decent teams. They are all very poor now from AA all the way to their Jr A team.
It is a shame in that OHA used to be a fairly good program when they had two teams. Since the new managment took over after Larry Lund sold out it started down the tubes. They don't have one team that is worth a shit now that they have 5. Sounds like cable TV! HAHA Just more nothing.
My son wanted to consider this school though he had no idea how weak the teams were until we found this site and did some digging. I like the idea that they boys practice daily throughout the year. The US prep schools have a very short season and the kids have to play other sports. Is there a respectable program in Canada that has a similar set up at this program in terms of playing daily and playing many games but with a better reputation and better quality teams?
Prep school isn't even necessary if he is a high caliber AAA level player. There are a number of top quality organizations in the US. I wouldn't waste my time or money to send them to Canada. We've done both and I would suggest having him stay in the USA. There is a lot more opportunity if he is a US citizen in the states. Besides that every year more and more NCAA teams are securing many of their players through the USA Junior programs which are mostly Americans. The programs in the USA are as good or better than any of those in Canada. That's our personal 2 cents based on participating in both. OHA is definately not worth the money. Notre Dame in Canada has a good program or Shattuck St. Mary's in Minnesota. These are the more premiere prep schools, yet there are politics there also. Have him make the best team he can and work like crazy to develop his game.
Their teams aren't too bad at OHA. The issue is that their program is not worth the money you spend and you can waste a lot of both time and money going no where with these guys especially if you are American. They promote the Canadian kids over the Americans. Their teams are at best middle of the pack. There are a lot better programs for a lot less. Don't fall for their hype in that my son is in a much better program in the states that is a lot more demanding than OHA's was.
I also found this site shopping for a hockey program. I have not heard many good things about OHA but I had heard Penticton is a very nice city. Now I find out they don't enforce laws against drugs and gangs. It doesn't sound like a very safe place.
Is the information on this site true or is it just a bunch of angry parents with an axe to grind?
We looked at Notre Dame and it looks like a good spot. Anyone know of any dirt on Notre Dame or any reason we should rule it out?
Notre Dame and Shattuck St. Mary's have a number of teams within specific age brackets. This means your player has to be a top player to play on their top team. If they aren't, they will put them on a more developmental team. They both have good programs and have a lot more depth than OHA. Their lesser teams would run over OHA's best teams. Both of these schools do not billet the players as they live in dorms. Both of them also offer much better academic opportunities for the about the same money as OHA. For what OHA charges you should be getting a prep school education. You get it at ND and SSM. You don't at OHA. The money actually goes in the owners pockets and the Americans fund their Canadian friends that can't afford to play there. As you would expect at OHA the more afluent players are Americans, while the less afluent are the Canadian cronies of the Kerr's. I guess OHA is pretty good if you are looking for a over priced, mediocre hockey program, mediocre public education, while paying a premium for others to attend for free. The owners of OHA seem to think that is a hell of a deal.
Parents who send their sons to OHA know they are getting a public high school education. They really sell the semi-private thing which is really just a bunch of study halls. The homework on the road thing is a joke too. These kids miss so much school.
They definately don't get a prep school level education at OHA. They really don't even get the level of education you would receive at a top flight public high school in the US. You pay a top price, yet you don't get what others offer for about the same price. I would agree with the other comments that Notre Dame and Shattuck are much better than OHA, although OHA at one time pitched their program as in that same league. They aren't in that league either on the hockey or academic side. Those schools have a long standing tradition of which OHA has nearly none. OHA surely doesn't have the character those schools have or have ever met with the level of performance and success they have. Talk is cheap. Measure them by their past performance. OHA comes in last, just like most all their teams this year.
Just for fun have a look at Notre Dame for a second. Top team plays in the minor hockey system and kicks butt. No surprise. An allstar team from around the world playing town teams?? They should win. Second team finishes last or very near last 3 years running. 4 AA teams also are mid to bottom feeders. Are you seeing a trend?
If the AAAA team at OHA was in the AAA league they would clean up also. Although private academies are not allowed to play in the provincials in BC. Except BWC and NSWC. Dont know how ND pulled that one off. Obviously money talks.
ND and OHA are similar in a lot of ways. ND gets the better players for sure. Top to bottom not that different. Look for yourself!
Talk is cheap. Measure them by there past performance. Check Notre Dames performance last year.
Top team cleaned up. Rest were also rans. They get the top players from around the world.
Why then does there other teams lose? If you go by this blog, they must have sold out and are bringing in lesser players for the cash grab. Yeah no shit. It is a buisness Not a lot of people can pay 30-40K for there son to pusue his dream. Oh yeah and they have 6midget teams. 1 wins 5 loses good odds. There second team finished dead last last year. Someone said there other teams woulk beat OHAs top team. I call BS. Check the league standings in SASK. That playing Butt F@#$$ nowhere towns.
Beat the top team at OHA, I dont think so.
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