Okanagan Hockey Schools provides a rich
recruiting environment for unsuspecting parents and kids alike. Many families are suckered by Alan Kerr in the method described below. This person is obviously "in-the-know" about the techniques used to by Kerr to fill the Okanagan Hockey Academy coffers to ensure the continued development of his friends. Note: There is a high probability you do not fall into this category.
"Warning coming into the summer months in Penticton for all prospective players to be recruited by the academy. Alan will take you out to lunch and tell you your player will play Junior hockey and then onto Division 1. Also be prepared for him to commit to them a place on his team. Have your tape recorder with you so you can sue him later. He does this to everyone and doesn't deliver. Don't trust these guys. You will end up holding the bag. Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Good luck trying to get a judgement against that POS Kerr in his own hometown. It's all rigged. Stay clear is my advice. We know those guys better than most.
Getting a judgement against kerr in his hometown? So you mean where? Smithers? You clearly don't know these guys better then most if you don't know his hometown, if you know him so well, you'd know that Penticton would be a great place to try a lawsuit against him. Oh wait according to this site, there has already been one that he lost, but for some reason if you search the public records for it, you can't find it?? very unusual. Some more solid information from this blog.
Everyone knows he's from Smithers idiot. He hasn't lived there in years. He lives in OK Falls, son James and Nick, wife Jill, drives a Mercedes SUV, has a chocolate standard poodle, brother Brian and wife Kim, sons Chris and Daniel, loves Tim Horton's after practice, what else you want to know dumbass. Did I pass your silly test? Your response doesn't even make any sense. Still trying to discredit the blog. Weak.
You never know Alan. Some kids you have tried to put down because they had a ton of talent, made it big time in life.
Good point in that I don't think OHA is a very good judge of talent. They have taken kids in recent years that are not that skilled. Thats OK to have a few "projects" but the whole damn team can't be full of them. On the other hand they have kept aspiring players down intentionally. That's the worst part. Why would anyone do that? I appreciate all the players that come there to get better regardless of their level of skill. Not helping and advancing aspiring players as they have done in many cases is unforgiveable especially when they advance their own kids and friends. Alan's view of talent is very skewed. This is evident in their performance the last couple of years. Last place.
Some players also made it big elsewhere playing in far better programs. The smart players leave nowadays. Why would you stay in their crappy program.
I would strongly suggest people who have been affected by OHA post the facts for others to make an educated decision on about sending their player to OHA. For the most part that is what is going on here on this blog. Obviously OHA doesn't like it and has a lot to lose from a business point of view here. They are beginning to pay the price for their doings.
How's OHA registration going this year? Isn't it that time of the year when commitments are due?
Have they found enough suckers to pay 40G for next year yet?
Its amazing the amount of crap they feed people to get them to write that check in the spring. We never did. We paid as we went. I wouldn't recommend this program to anyone, yet if you get taken in don't pay in advance. You will regret it. I think the word is getting out on these guys. They usually are working the showcases hard at Global Burnaby and Las Vegas. Don't get sucked in. Go make a real team which you can be proud of playing for.
Its amazing how much BS is put out by this blog. 80-90% by one person who has an ax to grind. Be very wary of taking all these posts at face value. Go see the academy, talk to people who would know. Don't be fooled into thinking all these acusations are true. They are not!
when you go to see the academy, be sure to check out the crack house (yellow two story house next to the convenience store) and be sure to ask the owners about the crack house next to the school. Anyone willing to spend 40K for a public HS is crazy anyway.
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