Like a pathetic game of limbo, Okanagan Hockey Academy is singing a new tune, "How low can you go?" Predictably, the teams this season are collectively losing, losing, and losing.
Penticton Lakers, formerly the Sting, has begun the season with, shall we say, less than a bang?
14 games played, 12 losses with the Lakers firmly planted at the bottom of their division with no way out of the hole they have dug for themselves. Only one team in the KIJHL has a record slightly more terrible, the Columbia Valley Rockies. It's going to be a long year for the OHA boys with the early losses piling up.
OHA coffers are a bit depleted this year. Is this due to the economy? Their teams are down a minimum of twenty players from last year with area British Columbia players dominating this year's rosters. Very few American boys have returned to the OHA program and new recruits are nil. You might recall we exposed the OHA sliding tuition scale last year. The Americans are the ones the owners rely upon, for the most part, to foot the full tuition bill, while the local boys and sons of staff members practically attend for free.
Stay tuned as the blog heats up over the next few months. We will be following these losing teams and undoubtably hear countless stories of politics during tryouts and disgruntled players doing everything possible to leave OHA.
yea I saw one team has 13 players. I am surpirsed they did not go to 2 teams overflowing and save on a 3rd team coaching salary.
The way i see it, they must be out One million or more this year over last. That is dollars not pucks. Oh well who cares? Maybe the people they have screwed over. Do you hear ANDY.
Over half of last years boys are playing Junior B or higher this year. You cant argue that. You also cant get that on this Blog as I have been blocked 4x. Most likely again as that would put an end to this one sided lie. PATHETIC
Notice how OHA tried to take credit on their website for 'Moving the entire Major Midget AAAA team' BS. Those kids from AAAA and their parents refused to send their kids to OHA another season even if it meant them not playing this year or dropping down to whatever or wherever they could play. The boys were seen by other teams, without OHA's help or input at spring camps and in turn invited to fall evaluation camps in and out of province. The boys scrambled desperately to find teams to play for this season - who would appreciate them for their talent (pre OHA experience), just so that they would not have to go back to OHA. Parents were happy as now they could afford to buy their own kids a car instead of yet contributing to another one for the Kerr family. Then OHA tried to take credit for them all moving on. Pathetic. OHA had nothing to do with the entire QUAD team moving on. NOTHING. The boys told them they were NOT going back there no matter what. The boys who couldn't make any other Junior A or B team ended up being added to the old Sting team now the Penticton Lakers -Junior B or Alberni Bulldogs, -both owned by OHA just so that they would have a place to play and OHA could take credit for moving them on. By the way...Junior B with OHA costs the same $40,000, whereas other Junior B team players/parents are paying almost NOTHING!
I thought it was less of the player has graduated HS??? The boys who are paying anything to play on their lousy Jr. B team are sure sorry now. Its a total and complete waste of money. It is by far the worst Jr. B team OHA has ever had.
I think they did work harder this year to place players where they have never done it before. They have been called onto the carpet. It is the only way to counter all the negative press they receive on this blog. Drug deals next to campus, different tuition rates for US kids (full 40K) than Canadian kids. Placing and favoring Canadian kids and leaving US kids to flounder.
OHA typically only advances a few kids like those related to the owners, coaching staff, and friends of coaching staff. I am happy to see some effort and progress to place these hard working kids beyond OHA. I will say I believe they are motivated to squeeze every dollar they can from parents. Many kids who were ready for BCHL were told they were not. These are the very kids who they celebrate on their website for making it. These kids were too smart to stick around this shitty program and play with kids who come from means to foot the bill but cannot play hockey. After a while it sucks to play with bad players and lose all the time.
To the #3 post. Well it took you five times to get your post on the REAL Blog. Sorry to say this but your post is PATHETIC.
have the HS teams begun their season? I saw where the only results so far are the 3 losses by one team. No surprise there.
I just ran into Alan the other day, he did not look to good. I said how are you Alan? He said Fxxx you. I said if you look this bad, how bad does Andy and the other owners look. He said Fxxx you two times. I said Alan you are not making any sense. He said Fxxx you three times. I said Alan Fxxx you and OHA.
To the last Blogger from all persons who are or have been associated with OHA...F#$% You.
Near half of the players from last year are playing Junior B or higher this year. Cant argue that no matter what spin you put on it.
By the way you have no idea what the kids were saying or doing on any team at OHA. You make all this shit up and are suffering from dementia. Every kid I have ever talked with loved the academy
because they knew that may be the next one to the Dub, KIJHL, or USHL. Tough but only half get to move on this year......terrible.
In our opinion the academy is great in all aspects.
To the last blogger from a lot of people that have been with and are with oha...F#$% YOU. Oha had some 90 plus skaters on their teams. You say 45 kids are now playing "b" or higher. Spin on that. Do some proof reading. By the way I know a lot. This shit is not made up, i think maybe it's not, no i know it's not. I think. O screw it i forget what i was talking about, anyway Alan & Andy are still S#$% heads. Now back to you Dim-Wit. There will be a few kids that will move on to these higher level teams but oha will have very little to do with it. In my opinion oha Sucks. I think. Remember ICE TIME & TALENT.
Penticton Lakers continue their awful losing streak. 16 games played with 13 losses. How much does OHA charge kids to play for their losing team? 40 grand?
if enrolment is down how come the new AAA bantam team and the AAA girls team were filled up in the first week of sign up. answer me dat home boy.
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