Monday, November 1, 2010


Financial stability? The company (Okanagan Hockey Academy) has a controlling amount of shares up for sale. Panic mode when a potential new investor takes a look at the books and see how much is being paid back for less then ethical reasons by a certain employee in their ownership group or a house built and paid for with company money for another ex-employee also part of the ownership group. This company has some serious issues, not to mention their poor on ice performance, save for their top team. Good people get burned by OHA repeatedly and its pathetic to listen to their propaganda machine at work. Sure they spend 5 million bucks directly, but how many local vendors have to beg and plead to get paid for services? They push small business to the brink of bankruptcy, so yeah great for the community....


Anonymous said...

the stuff that gets put on here is a joke. i encourage anyone who wants a good laugh and who actually knows the program to take a look at this website. If you are really interested in trying to burn OHA, at least get all of your facts straight, and don't make up stories.

Anonymous said...

This is all fact. Randy Jaycock shares for sale, Jeff Finley and Alan Kerr. All were up for sale. JP Kaumeyer bought up Finley and Kerr with his investment company from Calgary. Those are fact. Nothing fabricated in the slightest. So explain what in that isn't accurate?