Please continue to send examples of Okanagan Hockey Academy hoarding your money and not delivering on their promises.
" I sent my boy there a couple of years ago, they sold me on it in their summer camp. After one month it was clear that the high school and the academy were not that good. We decided to leave. Asked them for some refund and they said NO. Big time lesson ($26,000.00)."
"When you sign that contract you are f******. I lost 24,750.00. Wanted to leave after my kid got placed on a lower team, but Andy said no refund. We stayed for three months, things got real bad so we left. Six other kids left at the same time. No one got any part of a refund."
"You are right in that the teams the last couple of years have been all picked in advance. Their so called try out is a lie. They even lied to us about our son being placed on Alan's team and then reneged after we have made all the arrangements for the year. The good news is we didn't pay them until they made good on their word. Alan actually told us on 2 occasions very specifically what team our son would be on. The really bad thing is that he really is a very good player that should have been placed based on his playing ability and character. We hauled ass back to the states and played on a much better team and much better program. I think it is worthwhile for all of us to get the word out on these guys although I expect we would have a difficult time recouping any tuition from them in Canada. They are a rotten bunch."
can somebody tell me why OHA did not purchase the V's and instead purchased the Port Alberni team? It certainly is not conveniently located.
alan tried to. the organization did not accept his offer. they're not at or near the top of the league every year out of luck. they know how to run their program.
The Vee's didn't want anything to do with Kerr. They know what a phoney he is. The Port Alberni team has been in the cellar ever since they got the team. Look at their teams the last 2 years. Dead last everyone of them in every league they compete in. They got focused on the money rather than quality. Their teams are a laughing stock in the league they are in. Alan a big joke too. He just too dumb to figure out everyone things he's a clown and a lousy businessman.
some people here really need to get a life, seriously. you have no clue about the OHA you just go along with everyone else
Sounds to me like they know them pretty well. A little too well for your comfort obviously. These comments are no doubt coming from some OHA staffers to try to fend off the comments on this blog. Who in their right mind would try to defend OHA unless they were staff. LOL
you have to buy the refund. but it is fully refundable even the ammount payed for the refund. you guys have no idea what your what your talking about. your kid probably placed on the lower because hes a horse shit hockey player. figure it out!
maybe a player would try to defend OHA, you shit head... Foreskin
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