There are Ex-NHL guys coaching in the regular Canadian hockey system. The issue there is lack of ice, but in Edmonton where we live, the kids play outdoors for a good bit of the year. My son's friend has a rink in his backyard we use.
Hockey is a blue collar sport and its sad how the OHA program and others are using it strictly for financial gain and to develop their own sons on the dollars of others.
I hope people are getting wise to these guys. This is not what hockey is supposed to be."
development is absolutely affected when your son plays beneath his level. The consistent training and coaching are good but the level of athletes in the school matters a lot and OHA no longer draws top kids as they did in the past. The tuition is out of reach and the favouritism is out of control. Alan Kerr has a God complex and he has run roughshod over too many boys. As a result OHA has developed a very bad reputation in the hockey world. Too bad too because Andy Oakes had a great idea and a workable business model until politricks and greed too hold of them.
I agree 100% post 1!
To the blog owner:
Keep up the good work! It seems you have struck a nerve with the "powers" at OHA. They appear to be posting in defense of their program. This means this blog is having an effect.
I guarantee this blog is getting the word out on OHA. It's great when people do a search it comes right up under the OHA website. It gives everyone the opportunity to learn about other peoples experience with OHA. The only card they can play is blame it all on one person the blog owner as writing all the comments. How stupid is that. Oh yeah I forgot, we are dealing with OHA! It should be expected. lol
this is where I meant to leave my comment. It popped up somewhere else. I am still getting the hang of this thing.
actually if you google search OHA the blog comes up. Google places it on the search engine based on # of hits I think. This blog is definitely getting solid web traffic. OHA can turn it around but its going to take years. They have hurt countless families and I believe they do deserve to be exposed.
Actually that's not how google ranks pages at all. Hits is a minor part of the total equation. I'd do your homework on indexing sites on google before posting something.
We have lousy teams, yet AAA2 and AAAA had the best record in years. This site is based entirely on parents who's kids went to OHA and are actually horrible players. Face it, your kid isn't good and probably won't go anywhere in hockey, but that doesn't mean you should mock a fantastic organization.
Maybe they rank them by how truth is in the blog. do ya think.
What a laugh about OHA having good teams this year. They are the laughing stock of the league. If they had good teams this year based on your comments what does that say about previous years! LOL
In talking about bad players. What's worse than buying yourself onto a team rather than EARNING a spot on a truly respected and genuine team.
A fantastic organization? Okay, here's what you need to do. First start by sipping the Kool-aid rather than gulping it. Eventually you can ween yourself down to a small glass a day, then every other day and so on. After some period of time and hopefully before you have blown all your money on OHA you'll wake up.
Good luck and keep us posted on your awakening.
Good one. That post was either from some OHA owner or from as you point out some brainwashed fool. OHA is constantly pumping these guys in order to try and keep their parents on the hook for another year. I saw their so called AAAA team play on several occasions this year. Any respectable U16AAA team in the states would route those guys. They have really fallen from the days when James Kerr was on the Major team. The decline continues.
Everyone knows the OMAHA league went through reorganization and realignment to help the weaker teams..... ahem.....OHA.......win some games this year. Wow it worked. Congratulations and you are still at the bottom of the shit pile.
Last year Steve's quad which was really a good triple A won OMAHA which was a respectable performance. That is the last team OHA had worth anything.
Have a look at the OMAHA standings.
OHA team 2(not 1) was playing AAA. Did not do great but was ahead of the POE team 2. OHA team 1 would have destroyed most of these teams. OHA team 1 beat 2 of the MML teams last year also. Team 1 (AAAA) would rule the AAA league no doubt. Perhaps they are not to the Prep schools levels in the states but are also 1 year younger than the u18 teams they mostly play. Not Shattucks or ND level but the best hockey program in Western Canada besides those 2.
Way ahead of BHA, POE, or EDGE.
Do not trust me. Ask some people who know hockey and they will tell you. Dont listen to some of these people who left the academy because they didnt make the top team. Pretty lousy that people would go to this length to discredit a program. Selfcentered, Selfish,
and still SAD.
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