"Trust me a person who knows the program and each of these guys well (the exception being Blake and Kelly Wesley) they ARE NOT trustworthy. That is the worst part of the whole experience. No character whatsoever. You send your most prized possession off to them a good distance away and they don't deliver what they say they will. My son was the hardest working guy in their program and a high quality player. Never got in a lick of trouble ever. We got out a long time ago and everything on our end is perfect nowadays, yet these guys will lie to you, cheat you, and steal from you. My question was always "Why would you treat a good quality player who has a great work ethic and moves thousands of miles away from home the way you do?" They never had the courage to answer the question. They have poor character.
These guys tell you things straight to your face and then fail to deliver. I wouldn't trust these guys for anything. They are now in it for the money."
These guys tell you things straight to your face and then fail to deliver. I wouldn't trust these guys for anything. They are now in it for the money."
At Okanagan Hockey Academy, it seems like the only thing they deliver is your money right into their fat bank accounts! We guess they never counted on a blog where people can openly discuss their distaste for the program without fear of repercussions, providing parents with valuable insight BEFORE they sign on the dotted line.
There are many very good programs in Canada that are far less expensive than Okanagan Hockey Academy with high quality coaches and players. Don't settle for less than the best for such a significant investment. The OHA program ranks at the bottom of the pile at every level.
As for Blake Wesley, they should give the man a raise! There has been nothing but high praise for this coach on the blog and he is obviously the brightest spot in the program, and quite possibly the only bright spot left. At the nose bleed prices OHA commands for tuition, you'd think they could kick a quality man like Wesley a few more of their big bucks.
The truth of the matter is that Blake Wesley barely gets by on what he gets paid. He and his family hardly live in the lap of luxury like the rest of the do such as Alan, Dixon, Andy, etc. I would also give high marks in the area of integrity to Robert Dirk. Both Blake and Robert are TOLD what to do and if they want to keep their jobs they have to go along. I know both of them well and have a lot of respect for each of them. I know they know what OHA often does is not right yet they are slaves to the management. The real problem is OHA management and that is NOT going to change. I would expect what few quality instructors they have in Wesley and Dirk to leave for a better program. I know those guys don't like the dirty tricks of OHA.
The coaches at OHA like Wesley and Dirk have very little voice in determining who will be on their teams. This is not normal. Alan and Andy basically determine who is going to play on what team far in advance of when the players show up just before school and go through their supposed tryout process. This is seen throughout their organization all the way to the Port Alberni team. The players ARE NOT placed based on their ability many times. This was not the case a few years ago. This is the case now to the point the parents see it not only based on their own player but see it in other players in the program. It is blatently obvious. Many have not been advanced based on their hard work and development. Their teams are completely rigged and this has lead to their horrible performance the last 2 years. There was a time when you could be reasonable proud of playing at OHA. Now its just an embarassment whereever you go.
could it be those ugly ass yellow helmets?
Seriously tho what if all the OHA parents decided not to sign the contract until they had it in writing where their kid is going to play. Join the other parents that hold out paying until Kerr guarantees the spot behind closed doors.
Watch all the parents file into private meeting with Alan Kerr at the end of the season so "secure" their spot. It's like a damn breadline.
The best negotiators get the gig. Funny thing is you have to ask what you are fighting for. Alan's team is no quad. Better to go to POE. They will absolutely dominate OHA from top to bottom in two years.
Kerr and his cronies are getting their due payback for all the team rigging bullshit going on at OHA. My message to POE is don't let the success go to your head. Don't destroy a good program. Slow and steady wins the race and stay principled and you will be on top for a long time while the owners of OHA will continue to run around with their heads squarely up their asses.
I too would like to see the quality guys blow that pop stand. There are a few more besides the afore mentioned wesley and dirk. O'Rourke is a class act. Dixon was a joke but at least they figured it out but not after all those poor AA kids lost a whole year of development.
I totally agree that Steve O'Rourke is in with Dirk and Wesley as far as top quality guys. Why would those guys want to be associated to OHA anyway. OHA has turned into a joke.
Andy, Alan, Dixon, and the boys are getting what they deserve. They thought they were real clever, but it's all caught up with them. The love of money. They turned out to be the dumb bastards I always thought they were. They have definately lived up to expectation on that front, inspite of failing on the hockey side. I think even those dumb bastards finally are beginning to understand people think they are a joke.
David Roy will do well over at POE because he's not some greedy, egotistical, idiot like the guys are at OHA. He actually has some character and isn't full of himself. They are a much better program for a lot less money.
Looks like the OHA gang finally eff-ed over the wrong player or parent. Someone who knows their way @ a computer is a very dangerous thing. Also dangerous is the fact that people can tell their experiences on a public forum and there ain't a dang thing these jerks can do about it.
I am so eff-ing happy to see this website! Finally they cannot hurt our kids and rob us blind and get away with it. This website has undressed OHA completely and I'm loving it!
yep, i agree that steve is a great guy along with dirky and wesley. Hey guys, time to get the heck out of dodge and distance yourselves from those clowns (owners) before they drag your ass down so far it takes years to climb out and dust off.
We have been around OHA for a long time and know those guys inside and out. We also know all the dirt. I agree its time that all of it came out. Hopefully, it will help people to not fall for their BS in the future. These phoneys deserve everything they get for the way they have played fast and loose with people's lives. The real screw up wasn't even so much the money as screwing around with people kids and wasting their time up there with no promotion. That time can never be reclaimed. I believe that is the most insidious part of what they have pulled off. They don't care about anybody but themselves and the money. They are no good.
Well POE expanded there program this year and many of the players felt that there devlopement wasn't what it should have been compared to last year. So I guess OHA and POE are getting to big for the britches. Maybe someone should start another Academy! Seeing that we have so many people who can do it better and know it all!
The primary difference between OHA and POE is that at POE at least they tell the truth and have character. Neither of those happens at OHA. Its all about the money.
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