Sunday, March 1, 2009


Okanagan Hockey Academy President Andy Oakes goes to great lengths to explain the "rules" to the hockey boys at the kick-off banquet as parents proudly listen to his informative, if not inspiring speech.  At OHA, it seems there are rules to be followed and those put in place to impress the parents. Very quickly, the OHA hockey boys must learn to navigate their way as to which rule violation will get him expelled and which will earn him a pat on the back.  

Hint: They like Chewing Tobacco!  Be prepared to share. 

We've recently been enlightened by an ex-Okanagan Hockey Academy student and admitted chewing tobacco user about what OHA staff may say to your son regarding chewing tobacco use once the banquet is over and you've left your son in their care:  

"Addressing the dip issue, andy's exact words at the players-only meeting to start the 07-08 year were: 
"if you chew, we better not see it"

dixon ward once privately commented to his team: 
"don't chew, but if you do, you better give me a dip every time i see you"

they don't look very hard. as a dipper myself, i was caught fat-lipped a few times though, once by
dixon and a couple times by alan. dixon took my tin for himself and alan just joked about it.

hell, the team jackets are designed for dipping. there's a pocket on the arm that a tin fits into perfectly, and pockets in the lining big enough to clandestinely hold a
spitter (so they "don't see it").

no one dips on the bench, but the showers and study hall yes. go ahead and add
 in the academy vans 
and "in the gym" to that list as well. you can dip stress-free pretty much anywhere."


At nearly 40,000 a year, at a minimum, shouldn't you be getting good role models for your son?


Anonymous said...

I know Andy uses his mouth as an example to the boys why not to chew. These comments are surprising. It does sound like they condone it and no I would not want my son in that environment. I suppose some parents might think chew is part of the hockey culture and ignore the issue. I say we should change the culture.

Anonymous said...

no question chew is part of the hockey culture. the academy makes it clear they dont condone underage tobacco use, but they do not take any measures to curtail player use. they just dont want to take any flak for it happening under their noses, so they go with a dont ask, dont tell policy. they are no better or worse than any other hockey team in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

You need to realize that at any level of hockey midget and up you will be seeing kids with chew... sure it is bad but your telling me that if your son was chewing in the BCHL you would go to the owner and whine about it?

There are some things that parents and coaches can do and things they can't... it is not the responsibility of OHA to baby sit our kids... sooner or later the kids will have to make their own choices whether it be with chew or which house to buy but somewhere along the line you need to let them do there thing

Anonymous said...

i did not realize OHA was a daycare...

Anonymous said...

Team jackets designed for chew? That could very well be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

It is definitely NOT a "don't ask don't tell" policy at OHA. Kids bring their spitters right into study hall with honking wads in their gums. The showers are full of the stuff. They see it going on and they do zippo to stop it. In my book that is condoning the behaviour and one good reason among countless reasons not to send my son to OHA. Will stick with Pen Minor Hockey thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Dippers...oh yah the whole team, every team, one does it then by season end they all do, regardless of what your son tells you. He will end up doing it too. We won't even go into issues of other substances, i.e. the smoking, the alcohol, the prescription drug snorting, the marijuana use and probably more. And yes some of the coaches do it too.
Do the readers really want to know why one of the academy trainers suddenly 'left' the academy this year half way through the season?
Ask the academy, I would love to hear the cover up story.
Makes me think of the 3 tier monkey statue in my backyard.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
That should be the OHA motto.