Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hello MacFly, anybody home?

Pssssst, will someone tell these guys there is currently a worldwide recession?  Everyone has lowered their prices except guess who?  While most families are tightening their belts, the Okanagan Hockey Academy owners are loosening theirs!  

This is a significant price hike over last year.  Some might argue that, given what is happening with the economy, these guys are a bit out of touch.

Click to enlarge.  

We recommend that you sit down first.  

Note the bottom of the fee schedule where 
they tell you they are going to keep all your 
money after September 1.  


Anonymous said...

The Sting is a bit less but wow the prices have really gone up! Don't see how they are going to build winning teams with these kinds of prices.

Anonymous said...

How anyone could ever shell out this kind of dough for a public high school and mediocre hockey school is beyond me. They are in the Harvard tuition territory now. Why are parents spending this $$$ for their kid to try to earn a scholarship to college? How dumb.

Anonymous said...

They really belive they are worth it, that is the sad part. All things stated on this blog are facts. Yet they (OHA) still say some are not true. That is also sad. The underage drinking in downtown bars is a FACT. Maybe they don't know its going on. YA THINK!

Anonymous said...

40,000 is insane. Save your money and you can use the 40 grand to pay for a Harvard education instead of using it on a highly ranked PUBLIC high school. Think about the silliness of spending that kind of money on a public high school, irrespective of the quality of the hockey school.

The other area programs are in the 15-20K range I think so what is all the fuss over OHA? Aren't these teams around the same level as OHA with similar offerings?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the study hall classes bring Pen HS up to private prep school standards either. Pen HS is a very good public school but it does not compare academically to the private school prep hockey programs in the US. They do play considerably more hockey at OHA than they do at the US prep schools where players have to do two other sports besides hockey in a school year.

Anonymous said...

This is another example of irresponsible hockey authorities making money on the false hopes and dreams of parents and average players alike. Look at the statistics--good players will be good players and will advance without having to pay excessive amounts of money. Talent does need to be developed but is mostly innate my friends. Save your money. Buy your kid a membership at the local gym, a bucket of pucks for the basement, build a $600 back yard rink, Make sure he gets to school on time and finishes his homework. If it is suppose to happen it will happen. Too many parents think they can make it happen. I truly feel sorry for the boys who fall short of their parents' hopes, dreams and unrealistic goals. These players, sold a bill of goods from these hockey leaders, will most likely fall short of anything beyond playing past a low level junior hockey and have nothing to show for it--they will feel like a failure. Good players are asked to play at the high levels or pay minimal amounts for a legit jr. program--40 grand a year is simply larceny.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious why people think that prep schools in the US are so much more superior to a place like Pen High? In the states its actually easier to become a teacher then in Canada. Prep School teachers come out of the normal streams just like Canadian teachers. I don't know if people think its the calibre of teacher that makes it a better school or what it is?

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a different philosophy in Canadian schools. When my son went to OHA there was very little homework and he was on honor roll.

I actually like the Canadian system better. It's easier on the kids and leaves more time for sports.

Anonymous said...

No doubt it's easier for the students and parents (billets) to not have to ride herd over them on their homework. The real question is "Are they getting a top quality education?" The answer to that is NO. It's too easy and casual for the players and the study hall is pretty much a joke. Not enough real preparation for a top quality university in the US. It is in fact fun though!

Anonymous said...

the bottom line is you are paying top dollar for what is essentially a public school. In my experience it is on the level with a decent US public high school in anywhere USA. The so-called "private" component is 99% study hall and the moderator is a teacher. I did not see much tutoring going on and if a boy needs it they often ask other OHA students to help out. It all works fine but people need to know that this is NOT a private school education and calling it semi-private is a generous statement based on the fact that it is mostly study hall and not private classes.

Anonymous said...

OHA is a public school?

Anonymous said...

Yes, they send them to Penn High which would be equal to a middle of the road highschool in the USA.

Anonymous said...

OHA is a public school. Top 5 in B.C. But nothing is as good as you get in the states. It is far superior to Canada. Also we have no drugs or underaged drinking in the US. Our girls are all virgins until they are married. Our coaches are better. We have far better facilities. Our teams beat up on OHA all the time. We dont have a high poverty rate like in the Canada. Our doctors are way better. and last but not least--
I have more than you do...
or My dads tougher than your dad.

too Funny.