"Here's the history of OHA contracts. Back in the beginning, OHA gave refunds until November. Then the date moved to Mid-October, then first of October. Now you have until Sept. 1 and they still take almost all of it. You have to be crazy to sign their contracts. It's as good as throwing your good money away. If you are an American, you are most certainly funding the Canadian boys and there is a high probability you will find your son placed on a lower team irrespective of his talent.
The only chance this lousy good for nothing program survives is due to the beautiful new facility in Penticton and not by the example these people set for your boys.
Wesley is a great role model and it goes nothing but downhill fast from there. Anyone reading this has fair warning. Do not sign that contract. Also, paying in advance gives them free reign to eff- over your kid and they will laugh all the way to the bank.
OHA owners are scoundrels and low-lifes who want USA dollars to take care of their own."
The only chance this lousy good for nothing program survives is due to the beautiful new facility in Penticton and not by the example these people set for your boys.
Wesley is a great role model and it goes nothing but downhill fast from there. Anyone reading this has fair warning. Do not sign that contract. Also, paying in advance gives them free reign to eff- over your kid and they will laugh all the way to the bank.
OHA owners are scoundrels and low-lifes who want USA dollars to take care of their own."
I definitely agree that the purpose of Americans at OHA is to fund the development of the Canadian boys.
OHA began crumbling when they moved Blake Wesley out of the development role on AA to the Sting. Everyone knows you put your best coaches in the trenches where it matters the most. His skill set is useless at the Sting level where his hands are tied with untalented pay to play players. If OHA has any chance in the future, Wesley needs to be put back into a visible and KEY role.
Ok here is my continuing question for everyone..if you know the contract, know the refund policy, don't like it..why sign it?? It's a legally binding contract, so when you sign it then ask for a refund past the stated date..where do you think your entitled? I understand people don't like the fact they won't get money back, but simple..don't sign it.
Here's a stat for you..i just took a quick look through OHA's website and if you look at the breakdown of their teams you have for Americans per team: Major Midget 3, AAA 5, AA 4. So in reality that's a pretty even distribution. If you look at the kids playing on the AA teams, they are all young first year midgets basically. Even more surprising for everyone that says that all the players on the top team are rich or influence people..Jeff Coates plays for the AAA team not the top team..i'm sure an ex NHL GM for a dad would have some clout if its how everyone says it is. I'm confused where all this comes from.
How about the Lemon Law? Does everyone remember the lemon law put in place to protect consumers for faulty product? Is there a lemon law for the folks at OHA when they lie about your son's and don't deliver on their promises?
Also, here's a stat for you......
There are 2 Americans on their Sting team, and as far as I am aware, they have not advanced any American boys to the BCHL. Please name names if there has been a single American boy to advance into the BCHL from OHA development.
READ the contract before you sign it.......and why why why would you beleive that your kid just GOT aspot on ateam if someone told that to you....be smart people and then you cant get ripped off.
There are actually 3 americans on the sting, as well as 5 the year before. Of them from last year, 2 went to school, 1 aged out, 1 is playing in the US and 1 is still with the team. Of the 3 this year, 2 are 18 year olds, 1 is 5'7" the other is not much bigger and one is being pursued by the ivy leagues for academics, so advising him to play in the BCHL isn't solid advice. If a player is good enough to play junior B but not junior A what is the problem with playing in OHA's program? I just don't understand what all this has to do with fleecing americans..it doesn't seem to make any sense. The Sting have 20 players that are canadian, so i doubt the americans are paying their way for anything.
could be way off on this, but i think some of this started cause of the fact that the top midget team gets tons of travel, but pay almost the same as the other midget teams...right?
so, somebody is paying for the top midget team to travel around.
The top team from my understanding was all asked to kick in additional money. It was not mandatory because it was not in the fee structure, but all players did. It is similar to when they sent the entire group of them down to Boston last year, they asked the parents to kick in some. This year if you read the contract it has a maximum that they will ever ask for to fund extraordinary trips.
Re: "The Contract". Of course people read it. Of course people sign it - you have to if your kid is going to go there. We parents surrender our boys and our considerable cash to them.
In return we have to trust them to be honorable and to fulfill their end of the contract - develop our sons in their hockey. You have to trust if you are sending your child away to any school.
The thing is, most schools have integrity and will not keep your kid sitting on the bench, or invent reasons to throw your kid out (while keeping your cash) because one of the owners has taken a dislike to him.
We didn't know that they were untrustworthy.
But thanks to this blog, the word is getting out.
Trust me a person who knows the program and each of these guys well (the exception being Blake and Kelly Wesley) they ARE NOT trustworthy. That is the worst part of the whole experience. No character whatsoever. You send your most prized possession off to them a good distance away and they don't deliver what they say they will. My son was the hardest working guy in their program and a high quality player. Never got in a lick of trouble ever. We got out a long time ago and everything on our end is perfect nowadays, yet these guys will lie to you, cheat you, and steal from you. My question was always "Why would you treat a good quality player who has a great work ethic and moves thousands of miles away from home the way you do?" They never had the courage to answer the question. They have poor character.
These guys tell you things straight to your face and then fail to deliver. I wouldn't trust these guys for anything. They are now in it for the money.
Dont you mean why isn't my son on the top team? Even with all of our money? Read between the lines folks that is exactly what they are saying. Why would you treat my little superstar like that and not put him on the top team.
As far as courage you hide behind a blog and do nothing but belittle the whole program. Worst of all you discredit the boys that are there following there dream and working there butts off. You should be ashamed. I guess if you somehow feel better it makes it ok.
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