"What a poor loser trying to defend OHA. Typical idiot who just keeps drinking the koolaid thinking everything will be ok there if he says it enough and blames everything on those problem kids and their stupid parents. The truth is OHA has lied, cheated, stolen from people who placed their trust in them. They deserve all the bad press they are getting and are suffering for their greed. What a bunch of low lifes. But, of course its always the parents fault for trusting OHA to keep their promises and deliver a good product. How dare they!"
Kind of unusual isn't it? This new post which was from a comment, sounds remarkably like an earlier post by the blog owner. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Actually it was written by me. I don't even know who the blog owner is, but I applaud whomever it is for exposing OHA, Kerr, Ward, Oakes, and the rest for the people and organization they really are. Get off the idea this blog is about 1 person. There are quite a number of people OHA has mistreated. It's just getting out and I know there will be a lot more people come forward. That's all the defense you have is trying to put everything on the blog owner. Whoever they are, they deserve an award.
actually if you google search OHA the blog comes up. Google places it on the search engine based on # of hits I think. This blog is definitely getting solid web traffic. OHA can turn it around but its going to take years. They have hurt countless families and I believe they do deserve to be exposed.
First of all I hope I am dealing with a teenager...Only because of the nature of your reponse to my comments re evaluations etc. This will be my last post and visit as I am not quite sure about what or who is actually behind this. I do feel sorry for you and your intense bitterness hopefully you will recover someday.
Actually it comes up on the third page of the Google search. Not all that damaging.
What about free speech. I have posted several comments that have not made it past the blogmaster. This is a very cheap one sided controlled conversation.
Try the US Google search engine.
Oh thanks so much for your heartfelt sympathy. I know that you are surely way above the "little people" on this site. That proves the fact you are an OHAer! haha! Why get mired down in the truth. Just blame it on somebody else and the blog master. Just stick your head in the sand and maybe everyone will forget about it. I don't think so now with this blog in place.
Like he previous post said idiot take a look at the US site. That's were OHA does most of their recruiting anyway. What a dumbass saying its not that damaging being on the third page.
bbbbIts possible the blog is getting more hits than the academy site. The academy site being at the top of the page is because it is a sponsored site they pay money for. In that the blog is on the first page near the top indicates it is getting a lot of hits. Possibly more than their own.
I think that is a kids really wants to play hockey and works hard, and I mean hard, then OHA provides the coaching and the gym and ice time and if you are comparing dollar value, the choice is then up to the kids becasue you need to put in the effort to get soemthing out of it. I wish my son would have worked as hard last year as he did this year, he would be playing junior A already the proof is in the pudding so ask yourself did or didn't your son put in enough effort?
it's interesting to note that some ex-OHA kids have made the point that WHL teams and others who were interested in them were told by OHA owners not to look at him. They have a lot of power and there are examples here where they have misused it and ruined a kid's chances. it takes more than just ice, dryland etc. for a kid to get to the next level. They need support from their program and there have been too many examples of OHA not helping kids whose parents have made the investment for whatever reason.
More true words were never stated regarding supporting the player. Hell any place can provide ice, dryland, workout facility, etc. The measure of a top organization is what they teach the players and how they represent and develop them in moving them to a higher level. This applies in any successful business. Hard work is an expectation for any top level athlete and this is a given. I wish in running the business I have I could just blame it on the employees for not working hard enough. That's my job to help develop their abilities and respresent them to higher level of ability enabling them a better postion within the company. It's called leadership. This is for the most part nonexistant at OHA. This is the problem. Their extremly poor performance is based on their poor leadership. It's the same in any organization whether a hockey team or if you produce butter or guns. Economics 101. It then comes down to the simple matter that they either don't care or are incapable of leading to success. Take your choice.
this site is getting boring and it is the same thing over and over and over. If you wanted to make a point make it,..but now you have taken all and nay credibility away by the trash talk and trashing the kids. I wont be back to visit again.This is a waste of time ...if this comment even makes it past the blog owner
Nice try pal. No one has trashed the kids. Time and time again people have stated on this site the kids and parents are the victims of OHA. This site is not about exposing the kids, its about exposing OHA. Your statement is just a diversion from the true topic of this blog and that is exposing OHA for who they are so unaware people don't get taken in. You are way off base. Play another card other than acting like someone who is so insensed about the blog director and saying bad things about the kids. It's not about the kids. Its about OHA.
See you later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm really confused by this site. If its getting as many hits and is as popular as it would seem, why is it not higher then the blog OHA started? They are both blogger blogs so neither of them are paid for or sponsored sites.
Did it ever occur to you that the blog started by OHA is getting hits from the readers of this blog who learned of its existence here, and are curious to see the latest crap being spewed by the academy?
Hey all: One site feeds the other and visa versa. The OHA gang does not realize that starting their own blog will make this one even more popular. How much do you want to bet that they sent out an email to parents and players instructing them not to visit the "Original" OHA blog? This too will make people want to visit this site more. It's human nature. Anyone who knows the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit understands that one.
Well that still wouldn't make sense to me because I thought that if you had more hits, wouldn't your site be ranked better. Its an honest question.
Who knows how Google ranks web pages. Is it really an issue? One site is not in competition with the other and parents and players will find their way to both sites and make an informed decision before spending the big bucks at OHA. This site gets a fair number of hits but the main thing is that its easy to find on the web and people will be able to see the not so glorious side of OHA. Nobody will be blind sided.
You must be an OHA owner to get caught up in the rank of the site. Why don't you focus on all your OHA teams instead which are ranked at the bottom or near bottom of their respective leagues? That is a better rank for you to focus your attention on. Having shitty teams has a bigger impact on enrolment than a blog.
If you want to play on thes best team buy your way on. If you want developement look closely at OHA.
If your kid didn't develope perhaps you should look inward. Is you kid lazy, do you have real expectations? Everyone should be aware the person (1) who is doing this got kicked because they have mental health issues. As if that wasn't obvious after reading this site. If you are considering OHA go check it out. Ask some hockey people. Not a lunitic that just has an ax to grind. The teams maybe don't finish first all the time, which team does? As far as I am concerned it is about developement which is hard to gauge. Everyone has to do that themselves. This person who is behind all of these attacks is a lunitic. If they are so honest I would like to hear exactly why you and your son got kicked out. Oh yeah now I won't be posted.....
Why would you make the assumption foolishly that anyone got kicked out? Did you ever think maybe somebody just left their shitty program behind and left!lol The word is getting out on these guys. I think it's funny to see them exposed for the phonies they really are.
Left? Just because your kid "the superstar" didn't make the top team. Even with all your money?
how can that be? It must be the program. Maybe they hate Ametricans. No No it was the people of Penticton. No it was the coaching. Oh wait it was the
girls in penticton. Nope it was the crack house. Perhaps Kerr is to blame. I know one thing for sure it wasn't me or my kid. Thats for sure!
Leaving to those guys out in Western Canada to put together a really good con in the new league they have. A bunch of substandard "Sport teams" playing each other! If that doesn't beat all. Too bad they can't play with the real teams. Its a shame Kerr and the boys have destroyed OHA's performance and credability for the almight dollar.
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